Saturday, August 20, 2011

like a child...
Daily Mantra: Patience. Simplicity. Compassion.

Each passing day, I realize how very little I actually know. Humbled - It is pretty exciting to become aware of the fact that there is still SO  much to be learned in this life. There comes a point when all the knowledge gained from textbooks, trainings, degrees and certifications become secondary. This time around, soul to soul my lessons shall be understood through my heart, soul and spirit. To move beyond analyzing and enter the realm of understanding.~ Wisdom ~


  1. "There comes a point when all the knowledge gained from textbooks, trainings, degrees and certifications become secondary." ~ so true so this

  2. Isn't it thought Dani?? It is so easy to get caught up in the world of external validation. Don't get me wrong, I see the benefit of academia and formal education.I have been afforded many opportunities as a result of my studies. But I am starting to feel a growing appreciation for that which can't be assessed on a standardized test.

  3. I think more people may be coming to this realization for various reasons. It's amazing to see how thoughts are changed.

  4. Very true Tasha...various reasons and intentions for sure, but I do agree to sensing an overall shift as well.
