Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summa Time

...well look what happens when Jessica is out of school for the Summer... she goes blog crazzzay!! Don't worry, I am 90% sure this won't last haha.   I must say, I am truly enjoying the school break. There is something special and uplifting about being mobbed by a ton of 6 year olds with hugs, yes indeed .But I am also LOVING the freedom and flexibility I have to work on other projects when I am not at the school everyday.

Mental Health Center:
Outside of the library camp I have continued to do monthly groups at the Mental Health Center (this requires an entirely separate post) *sigh*. Let's just say it has been extremely eye opening , frustrating, overwhelming, draining, confusing and disheartening all at the same time. Having a background  in the field of mental health and counseling, I am no newbie to residential homes, psychiatric hospitals and various settings which serve this population...but this is something of a different breed. First let me say I have been impressed overall with the staff from nursing aids to the Senior officers that work at the center, from what I have seen they provide services with care and respect.  They seem to do the best with what they have. The majority of patients are in and out of various states of psychosis, a good percentage of this being substance induced psychosis. There are also patients that are permanent residents and have lived at the center for more than 5 years because there is no where else for them to go. No step down services, no transitional homes. You are either institutionalized or left to battle your illness on your own. Common methods of those who don't seek treatment :pray the devil away or drink him stupid. As most know, therapy is pretty much pointless if someone is still using. The center has unfortunately become a revolving door serving to babysit and contain those that suffer from SA and Mental Illness when they "act out" in the community. There are a slew of suggestions, alternatives, and solutions that would help to help increase the level of rehabilitation at the center but that would take way more time, energy and resources than I am able  to invest in this secondary project right now. They offer some community outreach programs as well as monthly clinics in town, I plan to get involved with these in October and see if it is a better fit than offering groups at the center with inpatients. So for now...I continue to do what I can with what I have which is more than doing nothing at all so I am ok with that.

Women's Prison:
Another volunteer and I have been doing a basic computer skills program at the women's prison for almost a year now. This program has been one of the highlights of my service. We recently wrote an article recapping our experience with the ladies and the program, I will post it once it is published in the Peace Corps magazine. The computer skills course is coming to a conclusion next Monday the 20th. We will have our final ceremony with the ladies and celebrate the success of the course. The majority of "rehabilitation" services offered at the prison are religious based. They have 4-6 different ministries come visit the prison weekly. Faith and Spirituality can be a great source of strength in life , especially while serving a prison sentence, but for many of us, rehabilitation includes more than just praise and worship. Because of this, we want to continue to go to the prison for the duration of our service in order to provide additional ways to contribute to personal growth while serving time. In October we will start a 6 month Women's Empowerment Series. We will deliver monthly sessions on topics including : Communication, Goal Setting, Self -Esteem, Violence, Yoga, and Anger Management.  I am looking forward to this and hope to get some great speakers from around the island to come and vibe out with the ladies.

Writers' Flow:
For the last few months I have been working with a group of Vincentian artist that came together under the name Writers'Flow. The group seeks to promote written expression in various forms and settings throughout the island. One of their most successful ventures has been a monthly open mic night held in town. These open mics are unique here because they offer a quality, mature atmosphere that is not drowned out by formalities and protocol. People can just come be and DO whatever they are moved to share... a solid night of good vibes and laughter.

So I write, I have been writing A LOT since coming here...it isn't really "poetry" more like prose I guess? Anyway, because this space was so warm and welcoming I decided to get on the mic and share some of my writing for the first time EVER in a public place. They were nice, and I didn't get booed (at least not out loud) , it was a great experience and I am glad I finally got the courage to share but let's just say we can't all be performance artist!  haha  So I will stick to what I do best and continue to be an avid supporter of the arts and a consistent loyal fan who will do all that I can to make sure these events continue. I help set up the events, spread the word and capture some of the highlights with my flip cam. Groupie love, no shame :)

This Summer break has been pretty fulfilling. I feel I found a pretty good balance of work, play, and relaxation. Next week I go home to the states for a MUCH needed visit. I miss my family and friends...I just miss home.

 I was walking back from school one day and met a lady on the road. She asked me how long I had been here and if I planned to stay longer. I started to tell her how there is a lot of beauty in St. Vincent and I love parts about this country, I am so grateful for the people I have met here that have made SVG feel like a second home. But I just missed home(probably followed by a look of sadness because this was during a rough day, I remember because I tried to stop myself from tearing up while talking to her). She just smiled and told me that if I didn't miss home...then it must not be much of a home I came from. For some reason, this simple statement made me smile. It was some sort of gracious message to say...its ok to let your heartache for what it misses some times.  Its ok to  love where you are while still loving where you came from.

 Strong healthy  roots are essential  for limitless expansion, boundless exploration and growth. We must have roots somewhere, someplace to provide that base. Home has a different meaning for each of us  it could be God, a place of worship, Family, A lover,  mountains, rivers, or a geographical   location but without a solid foundation or roots as a lifeline to some source, we are essentially dead, how does a plant flourish with severed roots?


  1. This just lit me up inside for more reasons than one:

    " its ok to let your heartache for what it misses some times. Its ok to love where you are while still loving where you came from."

    Also happy you stepped out & shared your words...vulnerability is a beautiful & equally scary thing .

  2. well that makes me smile to hear it touched you in some way :) I agree about the beauty that exist within vulnerability,so much can come from pushing ourselves past our norms but yea it can be such a uncomfy feeling!
