Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For the Love of : Simplicity

I was chatting with another volunteer that just completed her 2 years of service about how my school year was going. Almost automatically I responded: " It is great , I enjoy the kids but not so much what I am doing with the kids. I could stand to be there just 2 days a week". I think many of us share the sentiments that teaching might not be our life's aspiration. I have said this in many previous post but shot out to My mother and all my friends that are dedicated, passionate teachers- you all have a gift !!

Anyway, so I am on my spiel about wanting to find a way to reach the kids and connect with them in my own way but also feeling as if the need to help them strengthen their reading and writing abilities is far to great to bypass.

She commented on having similar thoughts over the last two years. She said it all became pretty simple after having a close friend that attended schools here his whole life tell her " All I needed was someone that cared, someone like you that showed they care".

(I can't speak on all of the schools here but some of them continue to utilize fear based tactics to keep order. Some of them still use physical lashing as means of discipline, belittling and berating as means of correcting. Often times the students have been so conditioned by this method of learning it is difficult for them to respond to a more egalitarian, empathetic method. )

In that moment - ...well yea, a lot  made sense. So simple. Why do I keep trying to make this more complicated than it is?? *chuckle*  ...just keep showing them that you care, period. Got it!

This one, is a handful. Mirror work in the flesh!
 She keeps me soft hearted during trying moments.

First year at the top Secondary School for Boys! So proud of him.

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